Saraii Dotharl

A woman born anew among the Undying ones

Basic Information

Basic Information, Personality, Physical Description & Character Inventory.


Only OOCly known until ICly learned about. Exceptions listed within.

Roleplay Hooks

Interested in RP? A variety of hooks can be found within.

OOC Information

Information about her player and where to contact me.

Other Characters

Sachiko is an alt! Information about other alts & my main character found within. (WIP)

Basic Information

Full Name: Saraii Dotharl (Formally Sachiko Tachimaru)
Age: 40
Race: Au Ra (Raen)
Gender: Female
Height: 4 fulms, 5 ilms
Build: Lithe; small chest & hips (enough to look feminine). Has a butt, but usually hiding in clothes.
Hair Colour: Black with some Gray
Eye Colour: Olive Green with Light Green limbals
Skin Colour: Pale Gray
Scale Colour: Pure White
Occupation: Tea Grower, Archer, Botanist, Tribeswoman
Home World: Mateus

Personality: A kind, caring woman. Once a quiet, out of the way type due to her upbringing anyone now talking to her can find she's rather confident in what she has to say and is more than willing to explain her reasonings-- the Raen still long-winded in her speech at times. Always willing to lend a helping hand, she will be one of the first to get down and dirty with a task people consider only for the working class and wants to spend her time giving back to the people who provided for her family when she was growing up.Even if she has become more open and talkative, there is still times she finds herself quiet and awkward-- mostly when learning new things. More in touch with her emotions outside of neutrality and happiness, annoyance, stubbornness and anger have found their way into her range of moods, even if rare. Trust is something she continuously struggles with. For Saraii to trust you is a big deal and should you find yourself trusted you find yourself with someone to call on easily at any time.

Physical Description: Small. She's small even for a normal female Au Ra but doesn't let that deter her. With the daily chores she was left to do upon the Steppe the woman has more strength than she lets on-- her starting to get more toned via combat training. Where she used to wear enough to cover most of her skin, the woman finds herself more adventurous with her wardrobe; showing off scars from her childhood on her shoulders, upper arms and shoulder blades.The woman has two visible scars on her face. One is upon her lower lip which she got from falling off a horse while learning to ride when upon the Steppe and the other near her left eye when trying to tame an antelope while also upon the Steppe. She also has four tattoos. A small cherry blossom above her heart, a crescent moon with stars just to the upper right of the cherry blossoms, very colourful and bright Thavnair style band tattoos on the inside of both wrists and entwined tails of a Xaela and Raen on her right shoulderblade.From her horns hang multiple rings of bronze decorated in animals of the Steppe, imagery of the Steppe and ones themed after both Azim and Nhaama. All are of various size and thickness and she can be seen wearing them at all times ranging from either 3 to 5 per horn.Saraii is seen wearing attire from all areas of the star; most of them in browns, gray-pinks she used to wear in Doma and the deep, rich blues of the Dotharl.

Typical Inventory:

  • A thin silver ring on her left pinky finger.

  • A deep red crystal held by a metal sheep hanging off her neck.

  • A Tanto and a Yumi with a full quiver. Sometimes seen with a very large Katana on her back.

  • A sachet or two of tea.

  • A small pouch of Gil and Koban.

  • 6-10 Bronze rings hanging off her horns fashioned by the Xaela.

  • A harness and bit for an animal. This is usually kept on a belt.

  • A small whistle; used to call her mount.


Anything underlined in this section is to be considered knowledge that can be found out if you are of a noble house and dig into history.Background is not required reading, only there for those curious!

Eastern History:From birth, Sachiko was deemed to groomed to marry into another family. She had more freedom as a child until she was 10 when her father passed away; her mother taking her away from the family to her own sequestered part of the Tachimaru estate while only seeing the rest of her family sporadically. While her brothers got a bit more freedom than herself, Sachi always had to worry about looking and acting proper, not failing in her studies and making sure she always did the family well. She was a rather happy child even with all the pressures put on her, happy to make her family proud when a particularly powerful merchant family had accepted her to marry their much older than her heir. She was 19 when wed to the at the time 35 year old head of the Arai Clan; an influential merchant family out of Hingashi.The bonding was cookie cutter traditional for such a special occasion between two families, the Raen only doing what she had been trained to do. Her husband never seemed to care for her, only doing what he needed to without a grain of affection in it all, stopping once Sachi had finally come to be with child after being wed for 5 years. With how long it took, people had suspected her barren, but ended up having a healthy son and heir to the family.Even though her husband had left her to be by herself-- Sachiko happily raised her son. When she was in her early 30s and the child was nearing his 7th birthday, the estate was raided by another clan; likely due to unpaid debts. Sachiko had to watch her son get cut down in front of her; the clan told to not spare anyone minus her. Even though she had tried to save her child, she couldn't. Her husband decided that taking his own life was more important than defending his family; the man found dead in his chambers from a bullet from an illegally imported Garlean weapon. She eventually found out she was left alive due to her family's name and not wanting to mess with the Tachimarus.Not long after this, the attacking clan was found wiped out. The tale of this is said only one man was responsible for this. It was that of her half brother, Harutsuki.After she had mourned for nearly three years and tried to take her own life numerous times early on; the woman tried to take a new lease on life by putting on a facade of cheer and happiness and took the offer of half brother Haru to help her start a new life away from her mother so she could attempt to have a second chance at it-- her way. Haru made her the gardener of the teahouse and she has been content ever since. Mostly.Steppe History:Eventually, Sachiko was kidnapped and given to the Malaguld after her brother broke an engagement with a member of the Qestir tribe; said Qestir having family within the Malaguld tribe. A sister for a sister; she was told by the man that took her. It took her some time to get used to living within the Malaguld tribe and eventually found enjoyment in the different life which helped her open up more and help dwindle her agoraphobia down to a ripple in her psyche. Though she found some enjoyment, she spent a short time staying in Namai before realizing she enjoyed life on the Steppe more.After struggles in her personal life, she eventually wandered to Eorzea to find herself and stumbled upon an unexpected person that changed her life forever.Sachiko took the name Saraii upon wedding into the Dotharl tribe; wanting to cut herself from the remainder of her Eastern ties.Saraii is currently settled upon the Steppe in a shared yurt with her husband, Kuzhuk in the Dotharl Iloh currently expecting their first additions to the family in the early summer.

Roleplay Hooks

Budding Swordswoman: After receiving a curious crystal along with an old note from her father that had been kept safe, Saraii has taken up her father's sword. The sword, longer than she is, is mostly only seen in light form practice at the moment but one can still catch her with it.Traveler: While taking a small break from longer treks, Saraii is still willing to do small treks to other places; especially if you entice her with trade.Eastern Nobility: Saraii no longer associates herself with the Tachimaru name, having given it up to properly take her Steppe tribal name. She will still respond to her noble name, but only while in Doma or Hingashi.Namai's Helping Hand: Having helped Namai for some time now including tutoring the children there, the woman can be found doing whatever she can do to help. Tending fields, tending to livestock, setting up trade and teaching the children still.Reunion/Doman Trade: After spending many moons upon the Steppe and learning the ways of trade; the woman is more than happy to assist in traders not native to the Xaelic territory in the ways of gaining the trust of those there in hopes of prospering trade among more nations.The Tea Trade: Even if not living in the estate any longer, the woman still grows her own blends of teas she is willing to trade. One only has to ask what she has and can offer.A Wandering Botanist: Always on the lookout for plants needed for many uses, Sachiko will travel to find these things if it benefits those around her. Even if it means heading to Eorzea. She's currently looking for herbs and plants that can be grown on the Steppe.Archer: Proficient in the use of a Yumi, Sachiko uses it to hunt game both for herself and people in need. Perhaps you've found her crouching in wait for a smaller prey item or watching one of her set traps.Your Mount is a What?: Reindeer! She found the strange albino creature while helping with a hunt in Namai before the village stopped for the winter. Instead of killing it, she tamed and nursed it back to health and currently uses it as her mount.

OOC Information

General Info:• I am in the EST/EDT timezone!
• Saraii is found on the Mateus server, but I'm happy to world hop.
• My general availability changes weekly, as I do not have a set work schedule. I usually will give a heads up about it.
• Please keep communication open. I do not want to do all of it myself and WILL NOT do all of it myself. If you're no longer interested please communicate that.
• I am open to ingame and Discord RP!
• If you mix IC & OOC you will quickly find yourself short a partner.
• I happily have a significant other, so please do not come to me expecting to find someone OOC for yourself other than a friend.
• Theme wise I am open to nearly everything. I would prefer discussion for the iffy-er things and am very open to such discussion.
• Slice of life & adventure is my preferred genre, but I also enjoy dark themes of all types and love plotting! I will RP anything from day to day life to the most strange or dark plots. I usually work best with given ideas, since it's easier for me to work off ideas than come up with my own; but I can still do so.
• I also have characters I can use for NPCs not listed anywhere for stories if need be!
Discord: Rhiann#6634

Other Characters

Currently a work in progress.